Monday, July 12, 2004

Best Begging for Your Patience

Dearest Readers,

I know for a fact that at least 3 people visit this site regularly. To you three, and whoever else might be wondering where the content is, I apologize that I haven't added anything new for days. Real life experiences have been taking up my time, and I'm backlogged. But should you remain patient and willing to wait, the following can be found among my content waiting to happen:

-A Review of the Best Book for Last Week (with accompanying amazing astrological associations and coincidences)
-Best Googling of High School Friend Results Ever
-Best 30 Minutes of Culture on a Saturday Afternoon
-Return of Celebrity Sightings
-Best Surprise Visit in Weeks
-Bringing Back the Rock, Again

And who knows what else. Stay posted to what's posted. And if you get bored, read The Smoker, for crying out loud. I'm begging you. (Broek and Jeff are excused.)


Bryant said...

I've read The Smoker--I read it the first time you suggested it--and boy was it good! If there are still some readers who haven't read it, to you I say, "You're missing out!" Not that I'm a blogging expert, because I'm really not, but I think one of the best things about blogs is all the comments people make on the actual posts by the bloggers, so because there are so few comments Brigham should be more than excused for not posting every single day.

In the spirit of blogging discussion, I'll make one more comment. I think it's amazing how the internet (specifically blogs, email, and instant messenger) takes up so much of our time and energy. I've thought to myself several times that if I used as much brain power and time on doing other stuff to better myself as I use online then I would be twice the person I am. But then I think, no, I'd just probably find a different way to "waste" my time.

Cindy Bean said...

Am I one of those people? If I'm not, you can up the number to 4 people who visit this site regularly. I still haven't read The Smoker, but I did check out Air Guitar from the library. I'm hoping it will keep me entertained on my long road trip from Seattle to Salt Lake on Wednesday.