Sunday, March 05, 2006

Best Update

What happens if one of your car stackers falls down? All your stackers get taken down.

I think Steady Mobbin' should now be considered a news site. So move your bookmark over to your News folder.

Oscars. Pfffft. But there were some funny jokes.


Sara said...

Yeah, I dunno if the Oscars really are worse now, or if they're just not as exciting because I'm getting older and less interested in "worldly" things.

I had made a promise to myself that if Reese Witherspoon didn't win, I wouldn't watch the show anymore. She did, of course, but I'm still considering not watching the show. Who needs it?

Sara said...

Hey, I like your profile image. Who painted it?

Side of Jeffrey said...

Oscars can be a better experience when there is money involved and you happen to be the one winning that money. With that point made, I like the Oscars.

Anonymous said...

Great catastrophe, Brig! Nice find!

But don't knock the Oscars. You're takin' bread from my table.