Monday, March 06, 2006

Best Reason for Multiple Posts in a Single Day, pt.III

The final(?) trailer for X-Men 3 is up at Apple, but for some reason there's no link for it on the main trailer page. Anyway, here's the trailer.

Pretty hard to be very excited about this one, but there were a couple nice moments there.


Anonymous said...

See, I thought that was awesome. But that's probably because I love Ian McKellen's speeches as Magneto; if I were a mutant, i'd definitely side with him.

My one issue? What appeared to be a rather wimpy (and phallic-looking) Juggernaut.

Brigham said...

Watching the trailer I was thinking, "Man, Magneto sounds just like Gandalf."

Oh yeah.

The X-Men movies will always frustrate me because the villains aren't interesting enough for me. I think I've written about this before.

I want the movies to move beyond the mutants-as-metaphor stuff and get down to the awesomeness of all these people having super powers and adventures. I want these movies to be The Astonishing X-Men, but they aren't.

Anonymous said...

I agree that some of the peripheral villains aren't that interesting (Mystique in particular), but I loved the characterizations of Magneto and Pyro.

I also really like the whole Civil Rights spin they've put on it, especially the whole "Charles-Xavier-as-Martin-Luther-King-Jr/Magneoto-as-Malcom-X" bit. I actually find Magneto compelling and persuasive, and can understand why someone would follow him; I never really got that from the comics until the early 90's.

I didn't like the first film that much, which was the same problem I had with Spider Man. They were ok, I suppose, but kind of weak. In both cases it feels like they just might get better with each successive film.