Then we walked way downtown and snuck up to the famous roof of 2 Gold to admire the view (pictured) and lawn (not pictured).

Another theme of this post is "I am beginning to get my new camera to take the pictures that match the ideas in my head."

If this is what happens when I rest my camera on a ledge then maybe I'm about to dork it up and get a tripod that I carry around at all times and whip out whenever I'm going to snap your shot.

Friday night we dinnered on the Citrus (Did this spread of raw fish fill me up for the evening? Of course not)

Like I said . . . starting to get the pictures I want.

Then we saw "Light on the Piazza" which was pretty much a musical version of "Mr. F" set in Italy. But it was good. Then we waited for the train.

Ha! It was noisy!

Saturday, among other things, we walked around SoHo (maybe you remember Saturday, it was the really, really rainy day?). This is a picture from the Broken Kilometer on West Broadway. Why is Emily smiling like that? Because pictures are not allowed at the Broken Kilometer, so I am totally breaking the rules!

Oh, babies. What are you up to now?

Dinner Saturay night? Five Points!! Activity Saturday night? Good Night and Good Luck at the Sunshine.
Sunday. Sunday lunch: Wholefoods at Columbus Circle! Then Sunday night we watched Mean Girls!
I'm all about subway icicles that come down to the roof of the train. (that's a great way to test icicles, too.)

I slipped away from Mom and Emily later that night to visit Karisa's. On my way over to her apartment, I saw the number 50.

I got in on a little Speed-Scrabble action. I couldn't believe the rush that I got from spelling "bedevil" or "quote" in teeny tiny little 30 second windows for action.

Then Joe helped me learn more about making my camera do what I want it to as Karisa and Di fell deeper in love and discussed buying a Forester.

One thing I haven't written about are my New Year's Resolutions. I have a few, they may come up from time to time. Here's one: This New Year I resolve to try using the full-leg cross. And here's a photo of me trying it out . . . I don't know, I think it went pretty well. I could probably get it tighter. But who says you have to be perfect at your resolutions right away, right?

Still Life with Favorite Things.

And then the night was done and I waited and waited in the subway station.

Waiting . . .

Waiting . . .


Coming Soon: MONDAY! More walking! And More Scrabble! (If you can believe it.)
I love Scrabble. I wish I could play Scrabble with you. I don't think I love the cross-legged resolution as much though.
But here's the thing. I've played Scrabble four times in the past seven years . . . and up until Sunday night, I would have said I had played Scrabble twice in the past seven years. So my tilesmanship is not tight and my scorekeeping is even looser.
Leg-crossing is still in the testing phase. Those that saw it in real life gave it a positive review. We'll see what happens.
I saw the full cross leg live in front of a studio audience and it was nice.
I'm a huge supporter of the full leg cross. The half cross causes loss of blood to my feet...as apparently I have a giant exposed artery in my ankle that gets squashed.
Also, I commend the defense used in your scrabble game. The fact that only 2 triple word scores were used it astounding, and imply serious defensive moves. Bravo special ones.
Isn't it a little weird that the noisiest subway station in all of New York is at Lincoln Center? Also, can you post bigger pictures of the mosaics? They're great, and I think I want to use one of those as my desktop wallpaper. Thanks!
Is this the one you wanted?
just so you all know, di and i have decided on blue. with a MOON ROOF!
Yeah, that's awesome, thanks, but can you do the other mosaic picture too? The one showing the whole thing? You're the best.
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