Saturday night I finally saw the Yeah Yeah Yeahs for the first time. Finally. This was what it was like: You go to a restaurant, you decide to order a burger, because you like burgers and know what to expect with a burger. And when the burger comes, it looks like a normal burger, and you pick it up and bite into it and . . . WHOAH! . . . what an unexpectedly great burger this burger happens to be! It's absolutely delicious! There's just something about this burger that makes it perfect and soooo satisfying. You relish it, finish it, lick off your fingers a bit, and keep talking about how great that burger was for the next few days, thinking about when you might get to have a burger just like that one again. It's not like you ate the world's most delicious steak, or the galaxy's most exquisite sushi, you just ate something dang good, and that's all there is to it.
The set was made up almost entirely of songs off their soon-to-be released "Show Your Bones." That means I mostly heard songs I wasn't at all familiar with. But for songs I didn't know, they were awful easy to like and I'm really looking forward to getting that record. Whenever the band played a song that I already knew (which would be: Gold Lion, Art Star (!!!), Tell Me What Rockers to Swallow, Y Control(!!!!!!), The Poor Song (that's the hidden track on Fever to Tell), Maps, and Tick) it was like bites of the most surprisingly delicious fries and sips of the most magnificently thick milkshake along with my amazingly good burger.
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs are most known for Karen O, their charmingly mad frontwoman. And her 6 year old with uncontainable electricity inventing rockstar moves as she goes along stage antics merit the attention; but it needs to be said that Brian the Drummer and Nick the Guitarist are both very strong musicians and fun to watch themselves. . . Nick as a completely stoic gothic counterpoint to Karen and Brian as a surprisingly normal looking drummer pulling off Max Weinberg drumstick moves.
Anyway, here's the pictures . . .

And here's just Karen:

Something funny from the show: there was this terribly obnoxious guy in the crowd who kept yelling "Machine!" between songs, and after playing "Art Star" Karen said "This next song is called Machine." Obnoxious Guy cheers, Karen says: "Just kidding, we're not going to play that song." Aw, Snap!
Roseland, May 2. I'll be there.
They're playing here, in DC, April 4th, and I have an extra ticket, if you find yourself in town. ;)
what a dress. did she paint her fingers black? or is that a glove with just fingers and no glove?
rockstars. hmph.
S. Stinking school nights.
B. It's true, the fingerless glove is played out. Welcome to the world of the palmless glove.
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