Saturday, July 25, 2009

Best Fame Continues to Seek Out My Designer Friends

Maybe you don't have to go to Europe to get known* because there was just an article about Cindy and her paper cuttings (that, to me, sounds better than saying "paper cuts"--who gets in the news for having paper cuts? in the Deseret News.


I think Cindy was my first friend to be a graphic designer, or any sort of designer. I remember sitting in some sort of American Heritage assembly freshman year watching her show some old-timey French designs she had made to Matt.

This is Cindy's paper cut blog and this is Cindy's website.

*Footnote: Just an update, Claire (If you didn't read the original post linked-to above you probably think I'm talking about my mom. You better check that original post.) was interviewed about her work on the Dutch news. Your move, Copenhagen...

1 comment:

Cindy Bean said...

I am even more famous! Thanks Brigham. I just got home and saw this. You're great.