Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Best This Was Halloween: the Parade

So, yes. Last Friday it was Halloween again and something that I've learned as a New Yorker is that we have the best Halloweens there are. I don't know why our Thanksgiving Parade or New Years Eve get all the attention...Oct 31st is where it's definitely at. As Halloween was on a Friday there was a little problem, the annual big Mormon Halloween party (which can be counted on as being the best Mormon event of the year every year, with the exception of the occasional Roosevelt Island party) was scheduled for the same night of the parade. That meant that in order to get all the juice out of this pumpkin, my comrades and I had to make an early appearance at the parade and then dash uptown for the party. LOTS of pictures were taken, here's the parade portion of the night.

Jared wore my alligator costume from last year, Jeff was a penguin, Collin wore his creep mask from Peru, and I was Coach Eric Taylor (every few years I like to dress up as a tv character that just about noone recognizes).

Downtown we met up with Kristin, Rustin (surely you know who he's being here, right?), and Lindsay.

You know what? Not going to caption these pictures. You know as well as I do what's happening in all of them. But keep an eye peeled for the one where I look really good, like a real super-serious Texas high school football coach.

The Verdict on the 2008 Parade: Quite good and I really liked the Ferris float, but definitely the weakest year for costumes. Sorry, that's just how it was.

Halloween Parade 2007: Part the First, Part the Second
Halloween Parade 2006: Part the Only

1 comment:

Side of Jeffrey said...

I heart Collin's mask.