Friday, December 31, 2004

Best Brief Christmas Rundown

I haven't had a lot to say lately. I haven't been doing too much on this vacation, and that was the plan on all along. But here's some pictures of some stuff that has happened (as you can see, I've been keeping it pretty casual around the house.) First of all, I got a Millenium Falcon for Christmas. Just when you thought my apartment couldn't get any more awesome, how does it feel to know I'll soon have a Millenium Falcon there, sitting on my bookshelf?

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Also, since coming home, I've been trying to teach the dog a new trick: letting me hold her. Training has consisted of various stages of trust-building (as seen here):

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And actual dog-holding:

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Now, remember, I didn't say anything in my first paragraph about this post being interesting. But if you knew our idiot dog, you'd understand how much I've accomplished here.

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