Thursday, January 06, 2011

Best Last Two Episodes

...I don't mean last two episodes ever, I mean the last two episodes of FNL to have come out since I'm two behind.

Friday Night Lights is getting real good.  There's a bit of menace in the series, things are a going wrong within the Lions and in the Taylor family and it all could be stuff that Eric and Tammi can't fix with just straight-talkin'.  With only five more episodes left, I have to wonder where this series is going to take us.  The East Dillon Lions seem to be on an unstoppable winning streak, but "at what price"?  You know?

Also of note, Billy and Mindy Riggins have been more interesting than ever this season.  Good job, FNL writers and directors, on finding new depth to these long-term supporting characters.

And isn't it unbelievable how much Buddy Jr. looks like Buddy Sr.?  Great work, casting department.

Also, hey, if you're not doing anything, why not read 2000th post? It's about Disneyland.

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