Sunday, May 11, 2008

Best Minority View

Apparently Speed Racer is awful and Speed Racer is a bomb, but I went and saw it in IMAX with Matt and Emily Saturday afternoon and had a great time. When I read terrible reviews of this movie I cannot relate to anything the critics are saying, I simply feel the opposite about whatever they say. I thought it was exciting, I thought it was cool, I thought it was creative, I thought it was fun. I loved the races, I loved the not races, I loved the fights, I loved the characters, I loved the cast, I loved the snippet of Freebird, I dug it all. I'm definitely more amped about Speed Racer than I was about Iron Man. That's just how it is. I cannot explain it.

I also really liked Daredevil. Go figure.


nerak said...

Stop it. You seriously liked Daredevil?? I don't believe you. How can someone like FNL (evidence of perfect TV/movie taste) like Daredevil? :)

Brigham said...

I know, it's hard to explain. People talk about it like it was the worst movie ever made, I sat there and I enjoyed it. Thoroughly. Start to finish. That's just how it was.

But here's something...

Jason Street is in Speed Racer. When he popped up on screen I shot out of my seat, pointed and yelled "That's Jason Street!"

M said...

Watched At the Movies last night. And Richard Roeper and Michael Phillips both really liked it, too. So if it's a minority at least we're in good company.

Don said...

Good to know. I think I'll have to go see that.

Thanks for the heads up

Collin Mapp said...

I think you would have liked Iron Man better if you didn't watch the previews.