Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Best Mystery of the New Year

Something somewhere in my apartment is beeping about once every minute or maybe just once every thirty seconds. What could it be?


Cindy Bean said...

You probably need to put new batteries in. I think I'm going to go see Woman in Black tomorrow night.

Brigham said...

I just took the batteries out of my smoke detector and I still hear the beeping. Remotes don't beep when their batteries get low, do they? No. Of course not.

Woman in Black! Woman in Black!

bex said...
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bex said...

maybe it is your split personality, and you are hearing voices in your head? (this would be an indicator that your split personality is a robot)

Side of Jeffrey said...

I had the same issue and it was my cell phone. But when you are half asleep half awake you don't have the mental capacity to sit up and figure it out so you just suffer all night long.

Collin Mapp said...

Oh, that is my Dialysis filter. I might of accidentally left it under the futon.