Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Best Spring Break

All right, I'm getting back into this blogging thing.

Spring Break 2007. A weekend trip to Connecticut.

We were a small band of vacationers, just Michelle (it was her house), Jules, Brooke, and I. What did we do there? Watched at least three movies, all of Arrested Development Season 2 [if it has been a while since you revisited your AD DVDs I highly suggest you do so], and ate at the Olive Garden [maybe I don't get out enough, but my steak gorgonzola alfredo left me rethinking the scorn I have heaped upon this restaurant for the last 13 years of my life]. Also, Saturday afternoon, we took a walk in the woods, which was about the only thing I photographed that weekend.

Jules and Michelle.

A paparazzi shot of Brooke and Tera, the Boston Terrier.

Like I said, we walked through the woods.

And once we were far enough into the woods, we stood and looked at the woods.

I was filled with a strange sense of confidence.

But before too long it was back to the usual: watching TV and playing with the dog.

It might not look like much, but you missed a good time.


Side of Jeffrey said...

Tera is fun to play with...but sometimes she can ruin scenes that you are filming by barking or yawning. My movies aren't boring Tera...geez.

Brigham said...

If you made a movie about squeaking rubber ducks it would probably keep her interest better