Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Best Weekend Round-Up

Here's a thrown-together overview of my under-photographed weekend.


Liesel's birthday!! Who would have guessed that Erin also had a Doremon costume?


First activity of the evening: Checking out Jared Clark's art down by the river in Brooklyn.

I hadn't realized there were some Bansky works in the neighborhood.

Second activity of the evening: Checking out Jared Clark's dance moves over at Emily's birthday party.

To the victor . . .

But, seriously, Emily threw herself a raging party. Just look at this madness.

Hayley and I assumed DJ duties and were able to scare up a bit of white-people dance music from Emily's Salsafied iPod.


Boxers parked on 6th Avenue?


Cache said...


Cache said...


i've used two pictures from this post. thanks?

Cache said...

man... what ever happend to comments? i wish smash were here.