Tuesday, March 09, 2010

Best Excellent Mac News

This would have meant a lot more to me a year ago when I was running around, trying to find a copy of Windows for my Mac so I could play Half Life 2 on it (but then I discovered...other means to do this) but today it was announced that Valve will be releasing their library of great games for the Macintosh via Steam, their online gamestore service (also coming to Mac, naturally.)

While Portal was a kick in the pants, Half Life 2 and its two follow up chapters was one of the funnest, most engrossing video game experiences I've ever had. Better said, back in 2008 I thought there were no more engrossing video game experiences left for me (really I don't play them very much...trust) but these games showed me otherwise. It's just great news for the Mac that finally such good games are going to become available for it--also, Portal 2 (to be released later this year) will be available for Mac from day one. Totally excellent. That's all that can be said about that.

Now: How about some Half Life 2 Episode 3 (or just Half Life 3?) news?

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