Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Best Easter . . . Ever?

It's not usually the way of Steady Mobbin' to meddle in matters typically covered by the society pages or fashion columns but Easter was so hot this year, I'd never experienced anything like it. The whole week leading up to Easter everywhere I went (in other words, in the two places I have to go: church and school) all anyone was asking was "Where are you Eastering this year? Do you know any good Easter dinners?" You may think I'm making some joke, but I'm dead serious, Easter had so much buzz. People were going home to their families, families were coming out to people, big parties were being put together, small dinners were being organized, neighbors were gifting each other, Easter was just the it holiday, if you weren't celebrating Easter, you simply weren't celebrating.

Very fortunately for me I was invited to attend Easter dinner at Erin and Rebekah (and Natalie and Amber's) Place, which I first visited on Presidents' Day Eve (scroll down). According to some, I was even the Guest of Honor at the occasion. Our meal of ham, funeral potatoes, asparagus, fancy salad, beans, and rolls was prepared and served with love and care and, from what I saw, everyone had a grand time . . . especially when watching Sunday Night's new episode of Arrested Development, which was especially hilarious. Also, as Guest of Honor, I felt it my duty to contribute something to the evening, so I read David Sedaris' short essay "Jesus Shaves", a favorite (and relatively reverent, if you switch out all the swears) Easter-related tale. (To hear Mr. Sedaris read it himself, click here, beware, there are probably some swears.)

Just like the last time I was over (see link above), there were a lot more people over than this photo would have you believe. But, still, look how much fun Erin, Lisa, Rebekah, and Stephen are having. (Sorry dude, I'm just guessing you're "Stephen" and not "Steven").

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After the party, down at the subway station, we've got Erin's sister, Liesel, Ashley, and Amber.

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Now, is it just me, or have we seen Amber's outfit somewhere else before? (As originally posted about on President's Day, scroll way down.)

I discovered that a camera left unattended will yield playful trickery and Easter-Hat misappropriation.

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Very bunny Erin, very bunny.

Sorry about that. I couldn't resist.

1 comment:

Brigham said...

I have been told by several that that appears to be a lamb hat, not a bunny hat. That's what I thought when I first saw it I thought "Hey, look at that lamb hat . . . wait, even though it's a lamb hat, I think I'll call it a bunny hat."