Saturday, August 09, 2008

Best What Do They Say About Imitation and Flattery?

Jared's reaction to Jared on the news Friday night:

(You see, Jared drives a rickshaw for City Harvest picking up leftover food from restaurants and bakeries and delivering it to homeless shelters and other charities and they made a news report about it because it's new. Here's pictures of the time I caught him when he stopped by outside my building)


bug girl said...

I am so glad you posted this. I have been thinking for the longest time that Jared was driving a rickshaw with tourists in the back. I was very confused, but figured he made good money. Now that I know he carts food around I am extremely impressed.

Cindy Bean said...

I'll bet that now there's all sorts of women out there thinking up ways to donate their leftover food to the rickshaw guy.

Betsy said...

Jared should be Michael Phelps for Halloween.