Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Best I Do Not Understand

Why does my stomach feel so bad right now?

It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the bowl of fried shrimp heads that I ate at dinner.

(Just the heads. No legs, tails, or meat. Just the heads. Eyeballs, antennae, the whole exo-skeletal shebang.)


Owen said...

really? what happen to the rest of the shrimp bodies?

Brigham said...

That's a good question because there's not really any shrimp on the rest of the menu. Except for a sweet shrimp raw dish, but aren't sweet shrimp little shrimp?

Bek said...

i honestly hate the food you choose to eat.

Brigham said...

Way to be tolerant, Rebekah.

Ashley said...

Way to make me bust up laughing at work! love it... I read the title as I was scrolling down and only saw you smiling, but the title said your stomach hurt, and I was like, I wonder why his stomach hurts? And then I scrolled down further and saw the shrimp head in your chopsticks. You are so funny. :)