Sunday, January 19, 2014

Best Art Show You Really Ought to Go See

Saturday I went to PS One and saw the giant Mike Kelley retrospective. It was really something, that they filled the whole museum with stuff that just one guy made. And, truth be told, I didn't know who Mike Kelley was until I got there. But some of the stuff was familiar. I'm going to post a bunch of photos now, but if you're in New York, I really recommend you take a couple hours to see this show. There's lots to discover.

Ok, Kelley didn't make this, it's just the stairway.

This I really liked, it was a case full of medals that slowly morphed in shape. Look in the middle, see a naval button with an anchor on it is followed by an insignia with an anchor followed by increasingly cross-like anchors followed by crosses that grow more basic and then branch off as a fish in one direction and a plane in the other. Stuff like that happening all over the piece. I could have looked at it for a much longer time than I did.

When I saw these photos I was like "Ohhhh, this is Mike Kelley." (Because these were used in the art for Sonic Youth's "Dirty" album)

I was at the museum with Mike and Pearl, btw.

These also I liked.

When I saw a wall full of animations like this I was like "Whoah, Kandor."

Little did I know I was about to enter a series of rooms full of Kandors that were literally supposed to be Kandor.

In the basement there was this thing, and see the red rope?

I followed it down the hall and around a corner and through a doorway and down a hall to find this.

Ok, that's all the art. Go to PS One! And eat at M Wells Dinette while you're there, unless the menu looks like it's just all beef heart and veal brains, which it did on Saturday. So we had tacos at Los Portales instead and really, that's my most unsung favorite taco place.

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