Sunday, April 07, 2013

Best Indoor Playground

A number of months ago I saw something that caused me to stare and wonder: A giant metal slide inside an apartment in the Financial District.  Can you see it?  In that green-roofed building, in the windows on the right?

Imagine how I feel to have found a video of the inside of this apartment.  It's long, the tone is weird, the music is bizarre, but you will see a four-floor apartment featuring translucent walkways, climbing pillars that span apartments entire height, floral reading nooks, and the giant metal slide, which proves to be more giant and complex than I ever would have imagined.  I don't know that I'd want to live in this apartment, but I'd certainly enjoy a visit.


Benihaana said...

I loved working there! Hey Mr. Coffee table, dining table, swing, yellow chandelier (not in the video) and the orange tube light. We polished that dining table for 12 hours.

Sara Hancock said...

Thank you for shharing this