When celebrating an anniversary of any sort, one is often inclined to begin with a statement like "It's hard to believe that (x-amount of time) has passed since (y-event)." But I'm not going to start this post by saying "It's hard to believe that a year has passed since my first briggie.blogspot post" because I don't find it hard to believe that a year has passed since my first post. I mean, I have written hundreds and hundreds of posts since them, a number of posts that would have been quite difficult to write in under a year. But anyway, so now this blog (named "Steady Mobbin'", although not even I call it that [the name comes from a 'favorite' Ice Cube song from High School. I think I picked the name to impress my friend Lucas who might not even know that this blog exists.]) is a year old, and I hope that "culmination" doesn't mean "End." because I have no intention on stopping the blogging that has proven to be an excellent outlet for the semi-creative impulses of a law student (and, during the summers, a law-intern) and I probably wouldn't even go out to concerts and things nearly as much if I wasn't thinking that maybe the activity might spawn a decent post.
And now, that picture up there? It was designed months ago by the brilliant Cindy Ferguson as the design for t-shirts that I wanted to give all my friends for Christmas. Clearly, those t-shirts were never made. And then I wanted to make the t-shirts for my friends for my birthday, and that's when I found out exactly how much something like that would cost (originally it was my plan to actually give the shirts to everyone, that means I would have been taking care of the cost with my Christmas Money from Grandma.) So now I submit this t-shirt design to you along with a plan: in "honor" of the first anniversary of briggie.blogspot.com, I ask you: Would you want a t-shirt that says "Briggie is My Homeboy" on it? Would you pay the cost of having your t-shirt made (Something between 7 and 10 bucks)? If I get at least 36 "yes" responses, the Briggie is My Homeboy shirt shall become a reality. If not, it shall remain as nothing more than another example of Cindy's design genius and my willingness to promote myself, should people be willing to pay.
Oh yeah, if you want the shirt, just shoot me an email or leave a comment or something. If there are enough responses I'll start asking about sizes and everything ($$$), but that's later. Also, don't be shy and don't worry that maybe you and I aren't homeboys enough for you to get a shirt, because we are.