Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's Always Better on Holiday VI, pt. 10: A Bunch of Wild Animals

First of all, welcome to my 1999th post. I'm putting the blog on a hiatus until I'm ready to upload the 2000th post, a post I've been working on for six months now. With luck the desire to blog about other things (such as last week's amazing episode of FNL or my dinner at Frankies two weeks ago) will be enough to get that post finally finished.

Moving on . . .

It wouldn't be right to head off for Christmas vacation without finishing my posts from Thanksgiving vacation, right? So I now present to you the day we spent at the Lincoln Park Zoo!

Where we parked there was this statue.

It was a cold and windy winter Chicago day, but not that cold and windy.

The animals were all feeling real lively.

Hey Lion.

Ellie growling at tiger.

Welcome to the Monkey House.

Where's the monkeys?

Oh, here we go.


This gorilla was taking paper up into his tree.

White Lipped Deer with great big horns.

Napping wild kitten.

Family gathered outside and snacking, capturing rare instances of lens flare.

A conversation:
"Those aren't real ice."
"Yes they are."
"Then why aren't they melting?"
"They are melting."

Welcome to the Penguin House.

And after this picture my M8 battery was dead.  So, Santa, if you want more pictures of Grandkids, you know what to get me.

With my little Canon I captured the family Carouseling . . .

And indoor jungle maze climbing.  I'll admit some jealousy of not being able to climb myself, but then again, there wasn't a sign that said no adults allowed.

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