This house's lawn smelled like Downey, Idaho.
The mundane sights of Provo on a Saturday morning felt right to me.
Although the sight of the rents was almost too much for me.
And then there are Summer rents.
Oh, Provo. You are full of little houses . . .
. . . that have trampolines.
The Truman is one of Provo's most unsettling apartment buildings.
. . . once I went to a party there where a friend of mine (accidentally) knocked a brick off the balcony that hit a girl on the head.
I found a new friend in the concrete.
Once everyone was awake we went to pick up my brother Owen from the dorms.
Owen's roommate is named Matt, but he is not Matt.
Owen and Matt live in 3207 Stover Hall, which happens to be directly above 2207 Stover Hall, which happens to be the room that Matt and I shared ten years ago when all this madness first began.
We were supposed to meet up with Mitch at the Provo D.I., but first we had to go up to campus so that Scott could turn off his electron microscope.
Something landed on top of the Eyring Science Center since my days as a student.
But that was nothing in comparison with this brand-new gigantic building that appeared out of nowhere during the last three years.
Electron microscopes are serious business.
Would you believe that in the above photo I had my finger over the flash . . . again?
Then we went over to the D.I. where Mitch met Owen. Mitch just runs the show when she's at the D.I. and outbought us guys by like 10,000%
Owen found a trenchcoat that he liked . . .
Scott, however, was of a different opinion.
I considered the wares available in the Mens Sleepwear department
And then admired bicycles . . .
. . . luggage . . .
UPDATE People seem to like this photo so here is a bigger version of it to admire or make a desktop image of!
. . . uncleaned lawn mowers . . .
. . . and children's shoes.
Since Owen is a freshman, everyone wants to give him all sorts of advice and ask him all sorts of questions.
But I just wanted him to try on helmets with me.
After dropping Owen off at the big football game we wound up eating sandwiches with some of the Provo Kids, but in Springville, or whatever the town south of Provo is called.
There Matt first presented his idea for a blood-splattered sweatshirt
Gian, a renowned aesthete, shared his ideas with Matt on where he felt Matt should put the blood on his sweatshirt.
Meanwhile, renowned aesthete Marsha shared her opinion on the art selected for some show at the Springville Art Museum. She opined that most of it was dumb.
In the evening I once again walked by little Provo houses
This is not a house
Some Provo houses have pretty healthy self-opinions
Now, if you can believe it, absolutely amazing things happened Saturday night, absolutely amazing things of which I didn't take a single picture. Karly Chamberlain, from the Avenues, who doesn't live at the Avenues anymore (just like I don't live at the Avenues anymore either) invited me to dinner with her family at the Foundry Grill at Sundance. It was a great meal and it was even better getting to talk with all the Chamberlains and to finally meet Karly's Mom, who I had been hearing a lot about ever since 2001. I was trying really hard to be a polite guest, and I didn't think that a polite dinner guest would spend an entire night trying to get his hosts to pose for photos. ALSO, we saw Robert Redford a bunch of times at the restaurant. He is old, his head is huge, he looks fuzzy, and apparently he has hundreds of stalkers.
Still to Come: Two More Days of Utah Excitement in Park City and Logan!!
So much to comment on.
1) Another great posting Brig
2) I can't wait to hang out with you tonight
3) Cool DI luggage shot
4) Don't ever let Matt give your freshman brother advice. He's a rabble-rouser. It has been confirmed by the SL Tribune.
5) Never touch the crotches of manties in DI.
Brig, you achived the impossible: you made me nostalgic for Provo. Loved loved loved this post.
How can it be difficult to make someone nastolgic about Provo? All you needed was one picture of kids sitting on grass talking about where to make a shirt look bloody...and in that picture you have 4 years of my life. Love it.
ahhh. have i really only been gone three weeks? i think i lived in two of your house shots. and thank-you for showing me the blys, the peirottis, and the fritzs. thanks briggie.
You put the house on fifth up there. I love you. I also love seeing pictures of Marsha.
That luggage shot kicked my trash.
Here's a BIG version of the luggage shot.
I've also posted this link in the actual post.
the luggage shot was pretty amazing, your little sidewalk friend had a name in 1993 when I lived in his house, but I forgot it. it was probably bob, because bob is pretty much my favorite name to give inanimate objects, drawings in concrete, and sticks that somewhat resemble people.
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